πŸ’ Cherry-Picked Nx v19.1 Updates

πŸ’ Cherry-Picked Nx v19.1 Updates

Exploring My Selected Features from Nx Releases


1 min read

[🌊 Nx Core]

Typescript declarations support for esbuild libraries

You can see two new properties in the @nx/esbuild:esbuild executor:

    "build": {
      "executor": "@nx/esbuild:esbuild",
      "options": {
        "declaration": true,
        "declarationRootDir": "libs/my-lib/src", // root by default

Generate declaration (\.d.ts) files for every TypeScript or JavaScript file inside your project. Should be used for libraries that are published to an npm repository.*

New separator option for the result of the nx show command


nx show projects --affected --type=app --sep ","

Target another executor in schema definitions

Angular 18 introduced a way to map one builder to another one. It is also now possible to use that approach with Nx in the executors.json:

  "executors": {
    // New
    "build": "@org/my-plugin:build",

    // Current
    "serve": { 
      "implementation": "...",
      "schema": "...",
      "description": "..."

Support bun Package Manager!

First, install bun by following the documentation. Then you can generate a new Nx workspace by using:

bunx create-nx-workspace

[πŸ’« Upgrades]

Support Angular 18